-Tends to write it all as long as it's short: Short stories, Scripts for short films, Articles, Poems, Slum Poems, Facebook status updates and short introductions.
-Now: a Blog!
-Made in Israel. Made it to 25. Just made it. Self made. A made.
-A face in every crowd, slightly outside the fan-cam frame.
The Blog:
-Will hopefully feature a new post every week.
-Will sometimes be written in Hebrew.
-Will feature my views on: Politics, Religion, Culture, Human behavior, Inhuman behavior.
-As well as short stories and poems
-And thoughts from my daily experiences
No more introductions for today.
Let's start my new online life with something I call:
"Cool thoughts about relationships written with amazing lyrical skills and modesty"
Relationships are a very hard thing to maintain
It's insane how /by tomorrow/ a lot of them will probably end up in sorrow and pain
Like a/ train wreck or a /plane crash
Loose lips will sink relation- ships
Cuz /no good shit ever last
But at last I discovered/ some relationship tips
Smarter than the female president at Harvard/ I forgot her name
So quicker than an NBA point guard/ I shall pass those tips I thought of sitting in the TAA courtyard
After all, relationships will forever be our sweetest mistakes we'll ever make inevitably
And while that includes me/ let us see if we can prevent some falling in love downfalls/ carefully
(1) If you care for me/ then that is/ certainly/ a start
And you don't have to be so smart to know that even a wall-mart/ can't replace a broken heart
(2) We all need space/ like John Glenn in order to become an American icon/ deprivation of it will only make relations strangle us like a 30 feet python
(3) What we don’t need is a permission slip as permission to slip outside/ it will only result in a need to hide/ it feeds the pride/ it's false
(4) A good communication case is vital/ it's more than nice and might I add relations based on guessing like 'the price is right' are destined to a chasing life of sacrifice and constant fight, right?
(5) The sooner we all come to grips with unconditional love being the greatest modern myth/ fuelled by advertisements and daytime TV/ the better our lives will be.
Look, it’s an ongoing and constant battle finding a match like a horse and saddle/ and while transferring cattle ain't easy without a guide/ sometimes you gotta let go and just enjoy the ride
Personally/ I like to tear it up/ like I/ open a bag of chips
That's why I don’t even come near one if it's not called an open relationship
Let me know what you think